Building a Sustainable Future

Cutting Down on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Any meaningful progress needs to begin by cutting down GHG emissions. Time is ticking and unless we move quickly, things will deteriorate rapidly and irreversibly. The goal of achieving net zero by 2050 is an ambitious goal, but a necessary one to stave off climate change. The forum and its partners strive to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the impact of polluting activities.
Our common quest is to build a sustainable future, in which economic activities continue to flourish without polluting the environment. Reducing emissions is one of our top priorities and we diligently work with our partners to achieve this goal. By implementing energy efficiency measures, using the latest technologies and new business models, we help our partners thrive with minimal environmental costs.

Carbon Pricing – The Impetus to Energy Efficiency

Achieving Net Zero is a complex process that requires a thorough change and a willingness to adopt a new vision of doing business. Carbon offsets are just one of the many tools that companies can use to achieve their goals, but a very important one. We strongly believe that any policies that support the goal of achieving net zero emissions are worth pursuing, carbon pricing included.
Our partners are responsible enterprises that have already embraced the new approach towards building a sustainable future. Carbon pricing provides others with the impetus to join this fast-growing trend and turn their businesses into energy efficient ventures. The creation of a unitary and coherent pricing system will provide the credibility and predictability needed for carbon offsets to work.
Globally, more than 20% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions are covered by different carbon pricing systems. In addition to providing a strong incentive for companies to move closer to the ambitious Net Zero goal, carbon offsets also provide the foundation for sustainable investments. We believe that the expansion of carbon pricing will push the deployment of renewable energy into overdrive.
In order to achieve the goal of creating an economy-wide carbon pricing plan, a single policy is needed. Providing a coherent approach that prevents the overlapping of carbon pricing and a unitary point of regulation will give offsets more credibility. This will make investments in accredited emission reduction programs more desirable, while providing cash-strapped governments with a source of green revenue.

Building a Low Carbon Future

Clean energies are the future and making the switch from oil and gas to low and no carbon investments is our top priority. There is already tremendous interest for such a transition, with investments in low carbon electricity, bioenergy and hydrogen use being coveted plans. The interest for disruptive new technologies capable of building a low carbon future is growing and the CCF is a staunch supporter of such plans.
Expanding the wind energy business is one of our priorities and a clear path towards decreasing the carbon footprint. Wind farms can generate sufficient clean energy to power millions of households and provide an inexpensive and environmental-friendly solution. As an investment, it can create millions of new jobs both directly and through the supply chain, therefore increasing wellbeing and prosperity.
Solar energy is an infinite source of power, so tapping into its immense potential is another top priority. We encourage companies to invest in solar energy projects and provide insights on how to become energy independent while protecting the environment. Cutting-edge technologies act as a catalyst for growth in an industry that already delivers palpable results for millions.
Bioenergy is still a fringe concept for many companies, but one that has the potential of becoming mainstream in the years to come. Early adopters will reap the benefits of using biofuels as an inexpensive, clean source of renewable energy. It can help reduce carbon emissions in some of the most sensitive industries, such as the aviation sector, so its impact can be spectacular.

Permian Global

Permian Global is an investment company committed to the protection and recovery of natural forest ecosystems. It is committed to creating the best possible forest carbon projects in order to address climate change. In so doing, it aims to make a transformational impact on vulnerable communities, habitats and wildlife in some of the poorest regions of the world.

Puter Foundation

Puter Foundation (Yayasan Puter) is a not-for-profit organization based in Bogor with the core mission to develop and implement innovative approaches in people-based planning processes. The foundation leads the Katingan Mentaya Project activities that relate to community development.

Wetlands International

Wetlands International is an international NGO dedicated to maintaining and restoring wetlands—for their environmental values as well as for the services they provide to people. The organization works through a network of offices, partners and experts, with financing by governments and private donors, and membership

Our goals

Reducing deforestation and supporting sustainable development opportunities in Borneo.


1. To deliver verified GHG emission reductions through avoided deforestation and forest degradation associated with agricultural conversion, illegal logging, peat drainage and burning.


  1. To foster inclusive partnerships and a culture of sustainability in local communities that acts to reduce poverty in all of its dimension

  2. To maintain and enhance ecosystem services which are fundamental to the overall well-being of communities in the project zone.


  1. To reduce threats to the biodiversity in the project area by eliminating drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and increasing forest cover.

  2. To maintain natural habitats, ecological integrity and overall biological diversity.

  3. To actively protect species of High Conservation Value.