Caring for the Environment
We only have one planet and caring for it should be the top priority. The CCF is 100% committed to
protecting the environment and all our actions are aimed at making a positive difference. No effort is too
great in our quest of reducing carbon emissions, preventing waste and the destruction of the environment.
Our goal is to promote sustainable growth that allows us to fully enjoy the present without sacrificing the
future. Caring for the environment implies the reduction of carbon emissions, enhancing biodiversity and
improving water management among other priorities. A circular economy based on sustainable buying is
the path to building a brighter future without making unbearable compromises.
Increasing biodiversity
Decades of neglect have led to a decline in biodiversity and the extinction of thousands of species. Many
more are under threat, so restoring biodiversity and protecting existing ecosystems is a top priority. The
forum and its partners are committed to supporting the restoration of bio diversity by investing in projects
that promote the sustainable use of natural resources.
The task at hand is extraordinarily complex, but through collective action, the restoration of threatened
ecosystems can be achieved. We promote and support projects that make an accurate assessment of the
immediate and potential threats on biodiversity in sensitive areas. Together with our partners, we help
companies stay up to speed with best practice in the restoration, conservation and enhancing biodiversity.
Water positive – Managing our most Valuable Resource
The importance of freshwater as a scarce resource is not yet fully understood. However, the consequences
of improper water management are self-evident and the suffering caused to people all too real. Through
partnerships with future oriented businesses and our dedicated partners, we promote water positive
projects. Replenishing more freshwater than we consume is a vital step in building a sustainable future.
A more efficient use of operational freshwater should be one of the main goals of environmentally
friendly companies. The latest technologies allow superior management of effluent, which has a two-
pronged effect. On one hand, companies can decrease the water management costs, on the other they will
prevent waste and make better use of the scarce water resources.
Circularity through sustainable purchasing
Sustainable purchasing is an essential ingredient in the recipe for reducing greenhouse gas emission.
Consumption is one of the biggest catalysts for economic growth and reining it in can only be done
without incurring significant financial losses. Circular economies and sustainable supply chains are the
solution promoted by the CCF and our partners.
We strongly believe that by keeping materials in use for a longer period of time, we can decrease
pollution and waste. Linear economies take a heavy toll on the environment and the transition to circular
ones is overdue. The time is now to reconsider the manner we treat waste and switch to circular principles
that allow the recycling of core materials.
Better material flow analysis and superior waste stream reporting help companies reduce their carbon
footprint while reducing costs. Together with our partners we identify the best circular opportunities and
implement cost-effective solutions. The effect is a reduction of single-use plastic consumption, recycling
materials resulting from the decommissioning of operations and preventing water waste.
Permian Global
Permian Global is an investment company committed to the protection and recovery of natural forest ecosystems. It is committed to creating the best possible forest carbon projects in order to address climate change. In so doing, it aims to make a transformational impact on vulnerable communities, habitats and wildlife in some of the poorest regions of the world.
Puter Foundation
Puter Foundation (Yayasan Puter) is a not-for-profit organization based in Bogor with the core mission to develop and implement innovative approaches in people-based planning processes. The foundation leads the Katingan Mentaya Project activities that relate to community development.
Wetlands International
Wetlands International is an international NGO dedicated to maintaining and restoring wetlands—for their environmental values as well as for the services they provide to people. The organization works through a network of offices, partners and experts, with financing by governments and private donors, and membership
Our goals
Reducing deforestation and supporting sustainable development opportunities in Borneo.
1. To deliver verified GHG emission reductions through avoided deforestation and forest degradation associated with agricultural conversion, illegal logging, peat drainage and burning.
- To foster inclusive partnerships and a culture of sustainability in local communities that acts to reduce poverty in all of its dimension
- To maintain and enhance ecosystem services which are fundamental to the overall well-being of communities in the project zone.
- To reduce threats to the biodiversity in the project area by eliminating drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and increasing forest cover.
- To maintain natural habitats, ecological integrity and overall biological diversity.
- To actively protect species of High Conservation Value.